Inspired innovation.

Intelligently applying the latest approaches.

Always looking for new ways to help our residents blossom, we assess new approaches and innovations to see if they’re the right fit for our residents. We integrate the latest technology into our care programs to engage residents in meaningful ways.

Front Porch's Center of Innovation and Wellbeing

Enhancing our residents’ lives.


Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing.

We’re passionate about understanding the changing needs of the people we serve, so we partner with creative organizations to advance the solutions that help us meet those needs. At the Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing, we bring together new ideas and the latest technology to discover ways to help our residents thrive.

Innovative solutions for senior living including leading-edge technology for memory care and life enhancement.

New solutions. New success.


Engaging residents through technology.

Improved interactions. Honoring their personhood. A source of delight. Our leading edge innovation has improved our residents’ well being in so many ways. Through the Music and Memory program, residents tap into what’s meaningful to them. PARO the robotic seal creates connection and increases stimulation as its owner cares for it. Through the iN2L touchscreen, residents can tap into a host of apps that focus on engagement, music, art, exercise and virtual travel.  And our Skype social program helps nurture connections with family and friends outside the community.